Blue Hour: Curated by Joan Tucker

Oct 3 - 20, 2024 Off-Site
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PhillipsX is pleased to announce Blue Hour, a selling exhibition on view 3-20 October at Phillips’ New York headquarters. The exhibition is curated by Joan Tucker and features the work of nearly 20 emerging artists including, Laura Berger, Bethany Czarnecki, Etsu Egami, Annice Fell, Michele Fletcher, Annabell Häfner, Anders Hamilton, Elizabeth Hazan, Elizabeth Hohimer, Sarah Martin-Nuss, Zoe McGuire, Laurie Nye, Se Oh, Sabrina Piersol, Katherine Qiyu Su, Alexandre Wagner, Jess Xiaoyi Han, and Tianyue Zhong. 


The exhibition’s title, Blue Hour, refers to the time of evening that immediately precedes twilight, when the little remaining sunlight scatters across the sky, creating a precious blue color. This ephemeral time is one of transition, where the world seems to hold its breath, suspended in a liminal space brimming with possibility. It also serves as a potent metaphor for transformation. The emerging artists in this exhibition draw inspiration from the magic of the blue hour, capturing its elusive beauty and inviting viewers to embrace the infinite potential that lies within the in-between.


Joan Tucker is a recognized curator, art collector and advisor. Joan is known for her expertise in contemporary art and discerning eye for emerging talent. Joan has been involved in the art world for over 25 years in various roles. She steadily built her reputation as a respected and trusted advisor to collectors and artists. Her extensive involvement in both the established and emerging art markets positions her as a key figure in connecting collectors with exceptional works. Joan is most dedicated to discovering new talent. Joan’s commitment to fostering new talent has been instrumental in launching and elevating many artists’ careers. She actively shapes the direction of emerging art trends through her curatorial work. Joan has collaborated with Phillips twice in the past, including Sweet Jane in Fields of Daisies (2021, online sale) and Briefly Gorgeous (Seoul, 2023). Blue Hour marks her third collaboration with Phillips and her first in New York.